Be a volunteer- Essay writing competition Edycs Epilepsy Group



Essay writing competition.

EDYCS Epilepsy Group in collaboration with the IBE Africa Region invites young people aged between 18-24 living in the Republic of Mauritius & Rodrigues to participate in an essay writing competition. 

Essay topic: “The challenges faced by People with Epilepsy in their daily livings and how they can live normal lives.”

 The three (3) Best Nominees will be invited for an interactive discussions in front of the jury panel. 

They will make a short presentation during the award ceremony.

Essay requirements

- Written in English Language

+ Maximum 1,000 words can be typed or handwritten with legible handwriting

+ Essays should not have been previously published and that the essay is the Entrant’s original, unaided work.

+ One submission per participant

+ Essay should be accompanied by a cover page with the name of the participant, age, address and contact


+ A jury panel will evaluate all the essays and only the three (3) best will be retained.

The winners of the competition will receive trophies, in-kind awards and certificates.

All other participants will also receive a Certificate of participation.

All Essays should reach EDYCS Epilepsy Group,

Attn. Dylan Mahadoo, Programme Officer,

442 Boulevard Rivaltz Port Louis.


30 September 2022


To encourage and expand the innovative and creative thinking in society



Quality Education


  • 442 Boulevard Rivaltz,
    Port Louis,
  • Date

    15 July 2022 - 30 September 2022


    08:08 AM - 08:08 PM

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