

Plastic a real threat !

Plastic pollution is a global environmental issue that adversely impacts ecosystems, marine life, and human health. The Republic of Mauritius is an island nation situated in the Indian Ocean, east of Madagascar. Being surrounded by the ocean, plastic pollution is a critical issue in Mauritius. However, the government and the people of Mauritius have taken several measures to address plastic pollution. 

In January 2021, the government implemented a ban on single-use plastic items such as plastic bags, straws, plates, cups, and cutlery. This initiative aims to reduce the amount of plastic waste generated and promote the use of more sustainable alternatives. 

Mauritius has also implemented an extensive recycling program. The island has several recycling plants that process plastic waste into new products. This recycling program has significantly reduced the amount of plastic waste that ends up in landfills and the ocean.

Another significant measure taken by Mauritius is the establishment of a marine park. In 2018, the government established a marine park around Flat Island and Round Island islands. The marine park has strict regulations on fishing and littering, and it serves as a sanctuary for endangered species such as the green sea turtle.

Furthermore, Mauritius has also taken steps to raise awareness about plastic pollution. The government has launched campaigns to educate the public about the effects of plastic pollution on the environment and the need for proper waste management. The campaigns include posters, billboards, and social media messages.

In addition to government initiatives, several non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Mauritius are actively involved in addressing plastic pollution. NGOs such as Eco-Sud and the Mauritius Marine Conservation Society conduct beach cleanups, organize workshops, and engage in advocacy efforts to reduce plastic pollution.

The Republic of Mauritius has taken significant measures to address plastic pollution. The ban on single-use plastic items, the extensive recycling program, the establishment of a marine park, and awareness-raising campaigns are some of the measures taken by the government and NGOs. However, more efforts are needed to reduce plastic pollution in the country, and it is essential to continue educating the public about the importance of proper waste management.